What kind of coffee do you recommend for someone who isn't into coffee?

  • Margaret

    October 4, 2019 at 8:20 am

    A few things to note first:

    0. Fresh ground beans are always better than freeze dried or instant.

    If you want caffeine, get a light roast. The darker the blend, the less caffeine.

    Coffee black is bitter (I like it that way), so add sugar & creme to suit your taste.

    Honey is also good in place of sugar.

    A little spice can dramatically change it. A dash of cinnamon, for example. Or pumpkin spice in season.

    That said, if I was your friend serving you coffee as a taste test, I would grind up fresh beans, BREW it, and let you try a small taste cup prepared different ways. The first being with a little sugar and a dash of cinnamon.

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